knhomee.gif (1683 bytes)
All of this is for beginners ONLY, precisely like myself:
Click on the signs to obtain the different sections: The Region, My Interests, Who am I? etc.
It is possible to operate with the keys and sometimes with the flags as well.
At Webmap all pages are located in order to get an overview and to ease the navigation.
The alternative to this operational way are "frames", where all menus are found at all pages in the margin. But I would like to utilise the entire page. I may create a frame version later on, for those who prefer this.
The pages are best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer, resolution 1024 x 768. It is necessary to scroll with 800 x 600. I have, however, tries to avoid horizontal scroll in this resolution, but did not entirely succeed. Change the size of the text? Choose "View" in MS Explorer, and then the option "text size". This could be necessary if you have a portable Notebook or if the text is too big or too small.
Links or hyperlinks, are, in general, indicated with blue and are underlined. They change colors once used. The page designer decides which colour to use. For instance, I would like "What’s new?" on my News page to be red both before and after using it. Bookmarks are indicated with a dotted underlining. When pressed, the cursor move to the indicated place. Links are both used inside the pages and for outside webs.
Would you like to make a copy of a picture, animation or symbol, click it with the mouse, press the right mouse button and choose "Save as picture". A dialogue window appears, browse through to the directory where you would like to have it and save it.
Why isn’t it possible to find my homepage with, for instance, Alta Vista? Because I have not registered there. I may do it later on, but I need to have things more under control.
Why does it take such a long time to load certain pages? Partly because of the traffic on the net and to the server that hold the page, partly due to the size of the page. Big pictures with high resolution take of course longer time. Best time of the day to surf is early in the morning. It is possible to load 3 kb per second at the most.
Note. Nearly all help pages have the same problem: What is written there, you know already, and what you are looking for is not there. Help me to make this "help page" work by sending a mail with your question(s) where after I’ll complete the page. All questions are registered. Your anonymity is guaranteed.
knhomee.gif (1683 bytes)